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TableauHelp Austin 2

The Awesome dashboard Hero

Awesome dashboard

'Do I need an awesome dashboard?' Yes. Who Googles Dashboard templates? Awesome dashboards are coming out of Tableau Public each day. As Freelance Tableau Consultants we are always looking for the best method of building amazing dashboards for customers like GoPro, Nielsen, Kroger, Etc. Learn more about Tableau Public today. Most of these experts are heavy hitting data analysts. Although sometimes I see some dated content because age comes before quality in ranking images and URLs. I love making awesome dashboards for clients. My favorite one was The Nielsen Company asking me on a call, "Did you make that in Tableau?" Haha! Yes, I did, thanks for the compliment. (shared below) So, let's jump in, we think the best dashboards come from floating visualizations in Tableau Desktop and clicking beyond the default format values. The most awesome dashboards can do a lot of data analysis without…

Bulk Automate URL Coordinates expanding move and click.

Bulk Automate URL Coordinates

Bulk Automate URL Coordinates from a Google Sheet using Keyboard Maestro. We want to bulk automate URL coordinates from a simple list. This blog explains in detail how to grab URLs from a list of names, company names, addresses, and at no cost or limitation. This script works with 100% success rate, which I think makes it worth checking out if you ever want to speed up things that require a lot of the same clicks! Macroing is so easy! This will save you time. The blog goes on to show you how Google is building quality coordinates for keywords or company names. If you're able to put more than a 6second pause in your script, you will be amazed by how much time this is about to save you when you need coordinates from a list of words. You need one column, any column will do, and put it in Google Sheets. These are previous clients I've had the honor of doing business with. FL through HE, and…

What is a Tableau consultant?

What is a Tableau Consultant? Tableau Consultant is a coined term to describe Tableau Consulting consultants! "What is a Tableau Consultant?" My mother-in-law mentioned while she was visiting last week. What is a Tableau Consultant, great question? Tableau consultants have their hands so deep into the business data, if not in a 'reporting only role,' can proliferate sweeping business changes with minutes worth of clicking. Tyler Garrett our Lead Tableau Consultant! Whenever people ask me what I do for a living, it generally takes awhile to really hit the hammer on the nail. After solving different problems at 100+ companies, it's hard to really pin point it. My wife now casually laughs when someone asks me what I do for a living. What is a Tableau Consultant they will ask me? So what did I end up telling my mother-in-law? "What is a Tableau Consultant?" Answer: We are Community Leaders…

domo is not safe for babies hero made by tyler garrett of dev3lop

Why Tableau is Better than Domo - Domo's Negative Client Acquisition Fails Hard

Want to know why Tableau is better than Domo? They just don't know how to write fun Tableau related content. Reading in between the lines on their latest landing page should tell you what you need to be investing your money and time into. Oh, Domo. I did research this topic before doing this tech tutorial. Out of the 105,000,000 results (0.83 seconds on Google) for 'is negative marketing good' - we are finding a hard time finding any legit content stating this will be a successful venture. This depiction of a devil seems a bit much! Domo cheats to rank, and has always cheated to rank because no one is talking about their bad product. Ever wondered why Domo resorts to Negative Campaigns? It's because they don't have a good marketing person - and never have. They outsourced their SEO to cheaters and had always cheated to rank, since birth this company started out using a link scheme…

tableau definition -

The Tableau definition from every darn place on the internet.

The Tableau definition from every darn place on the internet. Why did we consider this? Because a lot of people are interested in what the word means when they first hear about the product. The founders did a 'grade A' job picking the company name. Tableau Software - a company and word any data nerd knows and loves. You may know the word, and now we would like to share what the word means. The Tableau definition and our journey. A friend Irving told me - 'go try tableau, there's a free trial, hit me up when you're done.' A few days later I built 4 dashboards and knew I needed to use this software a lot more. But even then, I had no idea what Tableau meant. Tableau has a couple products; Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Public, etc. Learning about Tableau definition? What is this Tableau everyone is talking about? This is the company logo for a data visualization company called…

How to Create a Schema in your MySQL Workbench on Mac OS

Let's create a Schema in your MySQL Workbench on Mac OS. Welcome to a quick and user-friendly guide to generating your first schema in MySQL. By the end of this blog, you will understand how to generate a MySQL schema. A schema is necessary for importing CSV files or JSON files because our end objective is uploading CSVs and performing custom SQL, and pushing that content into Tableau Desktop. Our following blogs will help you with importing a CSV into MySQL on your Mac OS. If you don't currently have MySQL on your Mac OS - follow our other tutorial on how to install MySQL on your Mac. You're creating a schema - not a database! Firstly we are going to want to understand the verbiage used in the product and the difference between database and schemas. After you've downloaded MySQL workbench - we will want to begin bringing in data for Tableau consumption. MySQL has Schemas in the…

A Quick Tutorial - Resetting MySQL Root Password on Mac OS

Resetting MySQL Root Password on Mac OS tutorial. Use case: You're logging into your MySQL Workbench app on your Mac OS and on the first startup. Workbench requires a Root Password. If you've misplaced it, there's a quick process to dig through. Let's start with the easy method - did you save it somewhere? Click the magnifying glass on the top right and search for it, if you built notes for your password. If you took notes of your Root Password - try searching for it first. Here's the text for the temporary password that you can search on your mac. [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: rt4rvI,%lfr< Maybe you forgot your Mac OS X 'ROOT' password? Or potentially didn't save the Temporary password in your notes? If you did save your root password, it's likely you saved it in a similar fashion to us. How to Reset MySQL root password on your Mac Here's a quick how…

Writer's Block meme - The red nail polish nobody wants.

How to Get Rid of Writer's Block - Tyler's Methodology - A Very Long Read

Are you tired of staring at the screen and wondering what to do next? Want to learn how to get over writers block when working a tableau consulting engagement or building content in tableau desktop? Here's my methodology. You're suffering from Writer's block - That's about to change. Writer's Block is easy for anyone to defeat. This method or algorithm of steps - has been the most successful method for lowering failed projects and finishing projects in a timely manner. We made a writer's block meme because that's important. Writer's Block Meme That You will Want to Save. Every good blog has a meme, here's our Writer's Block meme! Best Writer's Block Meme award goes to? Wouldn't it make more sense if it didn't have any text on it? Getting Rid of Writer's Block and Working Faster Over the course of 8 years working in Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing - it was clear there was no…

Install My SQL Mac - The Guide on How To Install Mysql on Mac

Install MySQL Mac the easy way using our tech tutorial - walkthrough below. Thanks stopping by to read about installing MySQL on your Mac! We mostly type about Tableau Consulting and other fun tech tutorials. Install My SQL Mac - The Guide on How To Install Mysql on Mac Tutorial 1 - Install MySQL Mac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air! Installing MySQL on a Mac - Pro, Air, or whatever. Let's take it from the top! Install MySQL Mac - Tutorial one, is the first step to becoming a data analyst. MySQL is going to keep you from making a massive mountain of Excel that no one wants ever to touch. Ever. Are you getting tired of your spreadsheets! Utilizing Mac to be your at home database might just work for you. Why Install MySQL Mac? It's free, it's easy, and it scales. Every Excel expert would benefit from learning how to do their work in a database. Install MySQL Mac: Installing MySQL on Mac in…

Copy and Paste Latitude and Longitude in Tableau Desktop

Quickly Visualize your latitude and longitude in Tableau Desktop. Can you copy and paste? You're hired! Copy and Paste Latitude and Longitude in Tableau Desktop, any data will do. We are using our data from a previous tutorial - where we learned to Split Did you know you can copy and paste data in Tableau Desktop? One of my favorite pro tips was this beautiful under the hood feature. If you have anything stored in your clipboard, you can paste it in Tableau to generate a Table. It keeps it in the product, and not approachable with SQL currently. Copy and Paste Latitude and Longitude in Tableau Desktop Tutorial by Dev3lop Copy and Paste Latitude and Longitude in Tableau Desktop in 8 steps! Highlight all of your data in Google Sheets. Copy everything you want to use in Tableau Desktop. Right-click after highlighting everything you want to map in Tableau Desktop. Include headers and name…


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